Rebecca Rosell was born in Miami, FL, on April the 18th, 1991. Rebecca's talent in art was apparent at a very young age. Early on her parents enrolled her in art classes. Her half sister owned horses so Rebecca grew up around horses as well. As she grew so did the talent for art and passion for horses. Rebecca was accepted and attended Elementary, Middle and High School Magnet art programs. At the age of 13 Rebecca's dreams came true when her parents bought her a  young, wild, black arabian stallion. Through dedication, patience, and understanding she was able to tame this black stallion at such a young age. At the age of 18 Rebecca earned a full merit scholarship to the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. With her saving she drove across country and brought her horse, the love of her life, along. In school she continued to draw and paint horses - to many professors displeasure. This is when Rebecca started focusing on capturing the spirit and essence of horses involved in her life at the time. After graduating college in 2013, Rebecca began selling her paintings and started working training unbroken horses and giving riding instruction to children. Since then she has been fortunate enough to sell her work to the owner of Santa Anita & Gulfstream Park's Racetracks and she is looking forward to featuring her work in local equine related business throughout the LA area.